Tuesday 20 September 2011

Burnt toast...

Writing your own script is something my best friend have been discussing recently. I think it's an incredibly insightful issue. (The script being the life plan) so here it goes:

He feels like he has this script in his life that he wants to write but instead the push and pull factors in his life can sometimes end up overwriting the script for him. Be it family members, educational or financial choices. To be fair I can only admit that some of these are inevitable, but for those that aren't?

How can we steer away from people making or influencing choices for us based on what they want. Essentially some people who have power in relationships use it to get what they want, this isn't always malicious and it can sometimes simply boil down to the fact that these roles of power are assumed. We can sometimes just take these choices for granted and accept them because we 'have to' or to 'keep the peace'. I think it's important to know when to accept these. If it's possible assertively overcome the things that you don't want to do, and compromise.

I think its relatively easy to get lost in trying to please others and forget about yourself. By no means am I promoting being selfish, but I'm not advocating being entirely selfless either. While its important to be nice I do think there is an altruistic element that people can exploit.

Burnt toast! This usually happens with Female Figures of the family. They make toast for breakfast, bring the toast holder over to the table and even though there is lots of other perfectly edible pieces available. They take the burnt toast so they can assure the best experience for the rest of the family at the breakfast table. I'm being careful not to over generalise but i hope you get where I'm going with this.

When is the last time you had BURNT TOAST?
Feel free to comment or email me ciaranweir91@googlemail.com

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